Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Look at this awesome writer!

Emalee is a great writer!  She works very hard on her words!  She even wrote this blog post - and she is only in first grade!  I can't wait to see her in fourth grade in a few years!

Emalee and her sister, Alexis, celebrating her story!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Coordinate Game

East Elementary Student Uniforms

The students look pretty good in the new uniform shirts!  So good, in fact, that i decied to make them famous!
Students modeling East Elementary uniform correctly!  Lookin' good!!!
I have to say, however, that the sun was in their eyes...sorry guys!

Ahmad is always looking oh so sharp!

Uniform shirts are available for purchace in the front office.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Terrific Kid for November

Mrs. Preville's class is proud to announce our TERRIFIC KID for the month of November! This month the students voted Ja'milah as a model student for COMPASSION!  Ja'milah is always thinking of others - saying sweet words of encouragement and making handmade crafts for others!  Congratulations Ja'milah!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

best share for being a deceive inferrer!

"I inferred in my book, Fancy Nancy, that Nancy is dramatic because of the way she acts and dresses" -Tierra

"I inferred in my book, The Good Dog Avi, that the main character loved his dog lots because he put up a sign that said '$200 dollars reward'" -Joshua

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Cesar is Word Wizzard!

We are so proud to announce that our very own Cesar is Word Wizzard for Mrs. Edward's class for the second time this year!
Cesar got to be crowned on the morning announcements!  Now he's famous!

Word Wizzard strikes again!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

read, read, read to succeed!

Classroom Central

On Monday I loaded up with awesome goodies from Classroom Central...

....pencils, paper, scissors, rulers, notebooks, binders, books, glue, paint, book-bags, water-bottles, pens, colored pencils, markers, classroom decorations, pencil sharpeners, art supplies, .... 
(I could go on and on and on and on and on ....)

We are SO very lucky and the people who volunteer their time and supplies deserve our thank you.  Please use the blue paper and write a thank you note to "FRIENDS OF CLASSROOM CENTRAL" and turn in by next Friday, November 12th.