- 2 black and white composition notebooks (wide ruled)
- 1 one-inch HEAVY DUTY black binder (with a clear view front)
- 3 plastic, three prong, two pocket folders (They must be solid colors. For example: yellow, red, green, blue & orange. Please NO folders with pictures!)
- 2 one subject, wide ruled, spiral notebooks
- 4 boxes of pencils
- 4 glue sticks
- 2 packs of WIDE RULED notebook paper (no college ruled please!)
- 2 boxes of colored pencils
- 4 packs of sticky notes (assorted sizes)
- 1 box of markers
- 2 boxes of Ziploc baggies (snack, sandwich, quart or gallon size)
OPTIONAL (things we could always us in the classroom)
- Box of tissues
- Hand sanitizer
- eraser caps
- Paper towels
- Baby wipes
- Sheet protectors
- Reinforces
- highlighters
- rulers